داستان آبیدیک

sheep red blood cell


1 صنایع غذایی:: گلبول قرمز گوسفند

Other main reagent reagent is: sheep red blood cell (SRBC) (SRBC), Hank ' s liquid, GPS, prepared Chinese ink. Lumbar injection 0.2mL2% (v/v) SRBC immunity every mouse.Immunity is after 5 days, and getting mouse spleen, to make cell concentration be 5 × 10 6the splenocyte liquid of individual/mL.Dissolve the solution that agarose makes l%, in 48 DEG C of water bath heat preservations, mix with Hank ' the s liquid of equivalent 2 times of concentration, divide and be filled in small test tube, often pipe 0.5mL.Add 0.05mL10%SRBC and 0.01mL splenocyte suspension, mix rapidly, be poured on slide.Incubation l h in 37 DEG C of insulating boxs, is added in complement (GPS) in slide groove, then incubation 1.5h.Counting plaque. Lumbar injection 0.2mL2% (v/v) SRBC immunity every mouse.Immunity, after 5 days, is plucked eyeball and is got blood in centrifuge tube, places 1h, 3000rpm centrifugal 5 minutes, collects serum.Serum normal saline dilution 400 times, adds the mice serum 1.0mL of dilution, the SRBC0.5mL of 10% (v/v), complement (with physiological saline 1:10 dilution) 1.00mL successively.Separately establish the control tube of the not increase serum replaced with physiological saline.Put 37 DEG C of water-baths and after 20 minutes, set to 0 DEG C refrigerator 30 minutes stopped reactions, centrifugal 5 minutes of 3000rpm.Get supernatant 1.0mL, measure OD value in spectrophotometer 540nm wavelength place.

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